Outsourcing the contracting service with health institutions or professionals

Enabling companies in the healthcare sector to outsource the entire process of contracting with healthcare institutions and/or professionals in order to benefit mastered execution deadlines and optimized cost.

Offer details :

Goal : to save time when setting up contracts with healthcare institutions and/or professionals, while benefiting from expected legal certainty and a controlled budget.

Identifying the contracting strategy

A tailored contracting strategy set by an experienced team. Identification of the expectations of the co-contractors (health institutions, associations, health professionals, etc.)

Determining the most appropriate contracts according to the context:

  • Clinical follow-up, non-interventional study, RIPH 3
  • Consultancy
  • Participation in a DSMB or scientific committee
  • Data collection and/or biological samples, etc.
Définition de la stratégie contractuelle

Drafting contracts templates

  • Adaptation of clauses according to the social status of the co-contractors (self-employed, assimilated employee, etc.)
  • Preparing appropriate and compliant contracts regarding French regulatory requirements, based on templates elaborated and regularly updated by Life Avocats.
  • Ensure contracts regularly compliance in order to facilitate procedures with Orders and the Regional Health Agency (ARS).


  • Elaboration of draft contracts and sending them to co-contractors
  • Negotiation of a ready-to-sign version
  • Retrieval of the information required to sign the contract (authorization for cumulation, status, etc.)

Optional: Order/ARS authorization request



  • Implementation of the handwritten or electronic signature process
  • Keeping copies of contracts on a shared space with our customers

Optional: Order/ARS declaration



On receipt of the elements describing the contracting project (protocol/synopsis, list of institutions, etc.) :

  • Elaborating a fixed-price proposal: single fee per contract signed by the co-contractor or executed
  • Suggestion of schedule regarding steps to identify contracting strategy and preparation of contract project.

Example :

Setting up a clinical follow-up study after a commercialization of medical device for 10 institutions: 4 public hospitals + 6 clinics

Cost per contract signed or executed: €350

Total : 3500 €

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Externalisation de la fonction de DPO (Data Protection Officer) pour les start-up spécialisées dans la santé

Externalisation de la fonction de DPO (Data Protection Officer) pour les start-up spécialisées dans la e-santé